Calories per 100 grams of hairtail fish

127.00 kcal 3.10g 4.90g 17.70g
Calories Carbohydrates Fat Protein

Detailed introduction:
The hairtail fish has a long flat side and a belt-like shape, a long and narrow head, a large and pointed mouth, sharp teeth, large eyes and a thin whip-shaped tail. The body surface is silvery gray, without scales, but there is a layer of silver powder on the surface. The side is shallow and curves backwards above the pectoral fin and along the ventral line directly to the tail end. The dorsal fin is extremely long and there is no pelvic fin. Hairtail fish has a lot of meatIt is thin and has more fat concentrated in the outer layer. It is delicious and has fewer spines, but there are small free spines on the abdomen. China's coastal areas have an average production, with the East China Sea producing the largest amount and the South China Sea producing less. The coastal areas of Zhejiang and Shandong are the two sea areas with greater production. November-December is the season for hairtail fish.
Hairtail is named after its body is long and flat like a ribbon, and the ones produced in Zhoushan are the best. Hairtail meat has less fat and thorns, is delicious and nutritious, and can be eaten fresh, pickled or frozen. Food review:

As a fish, it has low calories and high protein content. In addition, it also contains a certain amount of fat, potassium, etc., so it can be eaten in moderation when losing weight.

Nutritional value:

1. The fat content of hairtail fish is higher than that of ordinary fish, and most of it is unsaturated fatty acid. This fatty acid has a longer carbon chain and has the effect of lowering cholesterol;

  1. The scales and silver-white oil layer all over the hairtail fish also contain an anti-cancer ingredient, 6-thioguanine, which is useful in the auxiliary treatment of leukemia, gastric cancer, lymphoma, etc.;
  2. Regular consumption of hairtail has the effect of replenishing the five internal organs;
  3. Hairtail fish is rich in magnesium, which has a good protective effect on the cardiovascular system and is helpful in preventing cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension and myocardial infarction. Eating hairtail regularly also has the effects of nourishing the liver and blood, rejuvenating the skin, nourishing the hair and strengthening the body. Nutrition Encyclopedia:

Nutrition Content (per 100g) Nutrition Content (per 100g)
Calories (kcal)127.00 Carbohydrates (grams) 3.10
Fat (grams) 4.90 Protein (grams) 17.70
Cellulose (grams) Vitamin A (micrograms) 29.00
Vitamin C (mg) Vitamin E (mg) 0.82
Carotene (microgram) Thiamine (mg) 0.02
Riboflavin (mg) 0.06 Niacin (mg) 2.80
Cholesterol (mg) 76.00 Magnesium (mg) 43.00
Calcium (mg) 28.00 Iron (mg) 1.20
Zinc (mg) 0.70 Copper (mg) 0.08
Manganese (mg) 0.17 Potassium (mg) 280.00
Phosphorus (mg) 191.00 Sodium (mg) 150.10
Selenium(micrograms) 36.57
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